Wills, Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning
Personal Planning

A Will outlines one’s wishes for the distribution of assets, guardianship of minor children, and the designation of an Executor. At Capstone, we ensure your instructions are accurately reflected because without a Will, the law will decide who is entitled to your estate.
Email us at info@capstonenotary.ca for a Will Preparation Form.
Powers of Attorney
If you become mentally incapable, who will be able to handle your legal and financial affairs? Without a Power of Attorney document, not even your spouse can automatically step in. This document is critical, important and a must if you would like to decide who will be respsonsible for your legal and financial matters if you are unable to.
Health Care Documents
We also prepare Representation Agreements and Advance Directives.
A representation agreement is a legal document that will be used when you need help to make certain life decisions. Decisions such as where you'll live, your every day care and even handling our daily financial affairs.
An advance directive provides you an opportunity to give specific instructions concerning your health care treatment when you may not be able to provide consent. The advance directive only covers specific treatments and does not cover personal care or your financial affairs. The advance directive will not override decisions you make while you are capable of giving or refusing consent, it can only be used when you are unable to make those critical health decisions.

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Click “Book Online” to schedule a free consultation, or call us at 604 900 5576 to book an appointment. We also provide mobile services on evenings and weekends!